To tunnel port 5601 (often used by Kibana) from a remote server to your localhost, you can use SSH port forwarding. Here’s how you can do it:

Command Syntax


Specific Example for Kibana

ssh -L 5601: your-username@remote-server


  1. -L: Specifies the local port forwarding.

  2. 5601:

• 5601 (before :): The port on your localhost where you’ll access the service.

• (after :): The address and port of the service on the remote server.

  1. your-username: Replace with your username for the remote server.

  2. remote-server: Replace with the remote server’s IP or domain.


After running the command, you can open http://localhost:5601 in your browser to access Kibana (or the service running on port 5601).